Está decidida e convicta de tudo oque esta dizendo,e,de tudo oque você faz?
Será que as suas atitudes concordam com a razão?
Ou será que mais uma vez está dando ouvidos a insensatez da emoção?
Quando nos aproximamos é muito fácil ceder aos calafrios do corpo,
ao ferormônio de quem já se conhece;de quem já se pertenceu,
Sabes do que eu gosto,assim como também sabe de como eu gosto;
sabe do que eu sinto,assim como também sabe como me fazer sentir...
Sabe oque me acontece,oque te dá toda vez que resolve se deleitar em braços alheios,
sem sequer pensar nos anseios que sinto distante,e no amargoso ciúme que me consome
ao imaginar sua boca em outra boca...
De repente você me vem falar de amor,
e ma fala sobre arrependimento,
fala sobre planos de futuro...
Já não quero e nem posso acreditar em tudo oque você me diz,
decidi não esperar mais por você,decidi tomar minha própria decisão,
retomar as rédeas da minha vida,e dizer-te que ainda que resolva voltar,
já não quero mais me dar aos desfrutes e deleites do seu corpo sedento,
nem tampouco ao toque macio de sua pele clara,
que me aqueceu demais em tantas noites escuras...
Eu sei oque eu quero...
Estou decidido e convicto de tudo oque eu estou fazendo...
Resolvi agir e dar ouvidos a razão...
Já não quero mais ser insensato...
Já nem sei mais oque é emoção...
You knows I want?
Is determined and convinced all what is saying, and for all what you do?
Did their attitudes agree with reason?
Or once again is paying attention to the folly of emotion?
As we approached it very easy to give in to the rigors of the body,
the pheromone of whom already know, who already belonged,
You know what I like, as well as know how I like it;
know what I feel, as well as know how to make me feel ...
Knows I happens to me, what do you give each time you decides to revelin the arms of others,
without even thinking about the anxieties that feel distant and bitterjealousy consumes me
to imagine your mouth on another mouth ...
Suddenly you come to me about love,
ma and talks about repentance,
talks about future plans ...
I do not want and I can not believe all what you say,
I decided not to wait for you anymore, I decided to make my own decision,
take the reins of my life, and tell you that even decide to go back,
would not want to give me more pleasures and delights of your body is thirsty,
neither the soft touch of her skin,
I overheated in so many dark nights ...
I know what I want ...
I am determined and convinced all I'm doing ...
I decided to act and to listen to reason ...
I no longer want to be foolish ...
I do not even know what it is more emotion ...
Is determined and convinced all what is saying, and for all what you do?
Did their attitudes agree with reason?
Or once again is paying attention to the folly of emotion?
As we approached it very easy to give in to the rigors of the body,
the pheromone of whom already know, who already belonged,
You know what I like, as well as know how I like it;
know what I feel, as well as know how to make me feel ...
Knows I happens to me, what do you give each time you decides to revelin the arms of others,
without even thinking about the anxieties that feel distant and bitterjealousy consumes me
to imagine your mouth on another mouth ...
Suddenly you come to me about love,
ma and talks about repentance,
talks about future plans ...
I do not want and I can not believe all what you say,
I decided not to wait for you anymore, I decided to make my own decision,
take the reins of my life, and tell you that even decide to go back,
would not want to give me more pleasures and delights of your body is thirsty,
neither the soft touch of her skin,
I overheated in so many dark nights ...
I know what I want ...
I am determined and convinced all I'm doing ...
I decided to act and to listen to reason ...
I no longer want to be foolish ...
I do not even know what it is more emotion ...
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