Em todo tempo buscamos encontrar razões para acreditar,
em todas as ideias e ideais que imaginamos ser a saída,
o caminho certo para nenhum lugar,
o remédio certo para curar a ferida.
E criamos a expectativa de que os outros nunca irão fazer,
aquilo que nós não faríamos,que está fora dos nossos conceitos,
então nos frustramos por não poder entender,
por que somos todos diferentes,opiniões e defeitos.
Eu não sou perfeito,o mundo não é perfeito,
então,por que esperar que as pessoas sejam,
se nada esta bom,sempre insatisfeito,
olhando pra dentro de si talvez veja,
talvez descubra onde o problema esteja.
Hoje quero amar os que aborrecem,
quero agradecer por serem humanos,
quero entender que o amor só cresce,
quando ofendidos ainda perdoamos.
E reconhecer que també sou falho,
e com muita gente eu já vacilei,
mesmo sendo as vezes um perfeito otário,
já fui perdoado,mais que perdoei...
At all times we seek to find reasons to believe
At all times we seek to find reasons to believe
in all the ideas and ideals that we imagine to be output,
the right way to nowhere
the right medicine to heal the wound.
And we expect that others will never do,
what we would not do, which is outside of our concepts,
Then we're frustrated by not being able to understand,
why we are all different opinions and defects.
I'm not perfect, the world is not perfect,
then why expect people to be,
if anything this good, always dissatisfied,
looking at within it may see,
maybe find out where the problem is.
Today I want to love those who hate,
I want to thank you for being human
I understand that love only grows,
still forgive when offended.
And also recognize that I am flawed,
and many people I flinched,
same time being a perfect fool,
I have been forgiven more than forgiven
the right way to nowhere
the right medicine to heal the wound.
And we expect that others will never do,
what we would not do, which is outside of our concepts,
Then we're frustrated by not being able to understand,
why we are all different opinions and defects.
I'm not perfect, the world is not perfect,
then why expect people to be,
if anything this good, always dissatisfied,
looking at within it may see,
maybe find out where the problem is.
Today I want to love those who hate,
I want to thank you for being human
I understand that love only grows,
still forgive when offended.
And also recognize that I am flawed,
and many people I flinched,
same time being a perfect fool,
I have been forgiven more than forgiven
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