somos obrigados a tomar decisões dificeis,
muitas das vezes precipitadas,
sei que somos nós mesmos que fazemos o nosso destino,
e que em todas as ocasiões a vida nos dá uma opção de escolha,
mas nem sempre a opção mais tentadora,ou a melhor opção,
seria a decisão certa a se tomar;
Ficamos divididos entre dois conselheiros particulares
e muito pessoais que temos dentro de nós,
que brigam para controlar a nossa vida,
nos deixando assim,na maioria das vezes
divididos entre a razão e a emoção...
Se pararmos um minuto para analisar,sempre que damos ouvidos a emoção,
de certa forma,queremos nos poupar do sofrimento,
acreditamos cegamente que valerá a pena investir em algo,
sem sequer pensar em consequências,
independente da opinião de quem esta de fora,
na maioria das vezes,pessoas que nos amam,
se preocupam,e quer nos poupar do sofrimento evidente,
que a inconsequência emotiva nos traz...
A emoção nos torna surdos,torna inaudível a voz da razão,
que sempre tem um conselho sensato e franco a nos dar,
nem sempre o mais facil de se ouvir,
porém,com certeza,
o que nos traria menores danos em um fracasso futuro...
É até controverso pensarmos que,toda vez que a emoção,
nossa amiga traiçoeira,nos engana,
dizemos logo que "caímos na RAZÃO",
e por que não ouvi-la antes de cair?
Mas é curando as feridas emocionais que aprendemos,
que na nossa vida sempre tem razão
quem escuta a voz da razão...
Reason and emotion
Sometimes life puts us in difficult situations,
we are forced to make difficult decisions,
often precipitated,
know ourselves that we do our destination,
and at all times life gives us a choice,
but not always the most tempting option, or the best option,
would be the right decision to make;
We were torn between two private counselors
And many people who have within us,
who fight to control our lives,
leaving us well, mostly
divided between reason and emotion ...
If we stop a minute to review, whenever we heard the emotion,
somehow, we want to spare us from suffering,
believe blindly that will be worth investing in something,
without even thinking about consequences,
independent opinion of an outsider,
in most cases, people who love us,
worry, and wants to spare us the suffering evident
inconsistency that brings emotional ...
Emotion makes us deaf, makes audible the voice of reason,
who always has a frank and sensible advice to give us,
not always the easiest to hear,
But surely
which would bring us harm minors in a future failure ...
It is controversial to think that every time that emotion,
our friend treacherous, deceiving us,
as soon as we say "fall in REASON"
and why not listen to it before it falls?
But it is healing the emotional wounds that we learned,
that our life is always right
who hears the voice of reason ...
we are forced to make difficult decisions,
often precipitated,
know ourselves that we do our destination,
and at all times life gives us a choice,
but not always the most tempting option, or the best option,
would be the right decision to make;
We were torn between two private counselors
And many people who have within us,
who fight to control our lives,
leaving us well, mostly
divided between reason and emotion ...
If we stop a minute to review, whenever we heard the emotion,
somehow, we want to spare us from suffering,
believe blindly that will be worth investing in something,
without even thinking about consequences,
independent opinion of an outsider,
in most cases, people who love us,
worry, and wants to spare us the suffering evident
inconsistency that brings emotional ...
Emotion makes us deaf, makes audible the voice of reason,
who always has a frank and sensible advice to give us,
not always the easiest to hear,
But surely
which would bring us harm minors in a future failure ...
It is controversial to think that every time that emotion,
our friend treacherous, deceiving us,
as soon as we say "fall in REASON"
and why not listen to it before it falls?
But it is healing the emotional wounds that we learned,
that our life is always right
who hears the voice of reason ...